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Maybe a Mess or a Beautiful Reminder

Found this post from June 28, 2023...

You may look at this picture and see a complete mess. But I look at this picture and see something else.

In all transparency, at my Painted Prayer Party, Monday night, I had one of those moments of anxiousness. It had been a little bit of a stressful couple of days, a sick grandchild, George has been out of town, I had to go to the dentist earlier in the day(my worst nightmare), I was running later than I wanted to be, I was doing a paint party in someone else's home(a first for me), Jan was not there to help me set up( she can always make things run smoothly) and some of the ladies were convinced that they could not do this (though I was trying to reassure them that they could) and so by the time we started I was a bit anxious.(I think I hid it well but I was anxious)

I had prayed over this class, knowing that it was a Birthday party, and I wanted it to go well and wanted to make sure it was meaningful but also that the ladies had a wonderful time. After the opening introduction and prayer, as the ladies quietly wrote out their prayers on the canvas, I grabbed this canvas. I had already painted some examples on it and didn't really like the colors I had chose, but I had extra paint sitting there and started using it up, and praying as I painted.

God sent a calm over me as I brushed on each stroke. No order, no details just slowly brush some paint as I prayed. It's amazing how God uses painting to calm my soul and let me know everything is okay. As ladies started painting over their prayers I used this canvas to help demo for them to check colors and even give a quick demo of how to paint a feather.

So it may look a mess, and my intent was to paint over it, but I can't help but smile every time I look at it. It brings me joy to know that no matter what circumstance I am in, God will always be with me to bring the calm.

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;"
Psalm 91:4

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